Thursday, August 27, 2009

excel in love

Significance is found in giving your life away, not in selfishly trying to find personal happiness.

When you're with an amazing person there's simply never enough hours in the day. While being single can sometimes feel like you're just trying to fill the time, this quote from Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas reminded me to switch that perspective around and look at my time and life as something to give away. I'm all for personal happiness as well, but if love is a great beautifier, giving and doing for others is a great happifier =)

My other favorite quote from the book was:

If we view the marriage relationship as an opportunity to excel in love, it doesn't matter how difficult the person is who we are called to love; it doesn't matter even whether than love is ever returned. We can still excel at love. We can still say, "like it or not, I'm going to love you like nobody ever has."

1 comment:

  1. yep, I'm pretty sure that's called unconditional love.
