Monday, March 15, 2010

the respect test

From Love and Respect by Emerson Eggerichs:

I asked a group of wives to spend a bit of time thinking of some things they respected about their husbands. It took some of them quite awhile, but they all finally did it. Then I told them to go home, wait until their husbands weren't busy or distracted, and say: "I was thinking about you today and several things about you that I respect, and I just want you to know that I respect you."

After saying this, they were to not wait for any response- just mention something they needed to do and quietly start to leave the room. Then they were to see what would happen. One woman reported back to me that after telling her husband she respected him, she turned to leave but she never even made it to the door. He practically screamed, "Wait! Come back. What things?"

Fortunately (and this is very important), she was ready to tell him what she respected about him and she proceeded to do so. After she was finished, he said, "Wow! Hey, can I take the family out to dinner?"

The wife was aghast. Her husband had seldom if ever taken the family out to dinner. What was going on here? I explained to her that a man's first and fundamental impulse is to serve, especially in response to being honored. She had honored him, and he wanted to do something about it. The wife had to ask for a rain check because the kids had committments that evening, and he agreed. About fifteen minutes later, however, she heard pots and pans banging in the kitchen. She went to look and found her husband fixing dinner. Her husband had never fixed dinner. Never - this was a first! Again, he was serving.

A few days later, this wife wrote to us again and said."You won't believe it. He's in the laundry room! Do you have any other 'respect tests'? I think I might get a cruise out of this."

Could a wife use the Respect Test to manipulate her husband to take her on a cruise? That's possible, but this wife was not guilty of manipulation. She sincerely tried expressing respect for her husband, and it worked far beyond her expectations. To repeat what I said earlier, a husband who has basic goodwill will serve his wife when she respects him for who he is.

"As women, we have the power to build up or tear down our husbands every day, merely by the respect we give and the amount of faith we let him know we have in him. Respect and admiration are two of the most powerful tools a woman has to influence her husband." -



  1. As a divorced man, I could not agree more with this particular posting. I've never read an online blog before today and I find it ironic that I'm readying this one. This is a very accurate depiction of the type of woman I hope to find some day. Thank you for reinforcing that I should not settle for less than love, respect and admiration.

    Thank you for writing this.

  2. i'm thrilled you found it worth reading Jim, it's so encouraging to hear. thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts, i wish you all the best!
