Tuesday, June 23, 2009

his name

It's funny how someone's name in your inbox can evoke an irresistible smile. There's that instant happiness knowing they've gotten in touch, but given time it mysteriously grows from there... some magical charm weaves its way into the very form of the letters and words that make up their name, till your eye treasures that singular combination and can't help but pause and appreciate any instance that graces its path =)

I found one such enchanted sweetheart who gushed:

"Seeing his name in my in-box is like dipping my heart in a box full of feathers. It’s Christmas morning every time my phone beeps notifying me of a new email from my Man. I GET CHRISTMAS MORNING 17 TIMES A DAY! It’s hard to describe this kind of happiness and glee. I’ve won’t grow tired of it, even if we approach a million emails exchanged between us. We are over a thousand deep already and still each one sparkles. I have to say it’s a very good thing for email, environmentally speaking as well, because a letter correspondence between us would have destroyed a small rain forest by now."

haha I don't know if men fall captive likewise, but I've always wondered if this phenomenon, and others of its kind, would sadly fade or disappear once the vows were made, rings exchanged, and contact not so rare... I hope his name really does never lose that sparkle for her =)

view her full post

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